Saturday, December 29, 2007

Come Dream With Me

It seems we have lost our ability to dream. Bogged down by financial obligations and debts our habits become a lifestyle. We bury ourselves in credit card debts and simple give up to the reality of ever climbing up and out of the pit.Years of living to make it to the next paycheck take their toll. We loose sight and we question rather than grab hold of concepts that work. Our wallet becomes abrasive to anything different.

But what if there was something that really worked? What if you could pay your house and all debts off in eight to twelve years? How would your life be affected if you didn't have to send the bank $ 15,000, $18,000 or $ 24,000 a year? How many lives could you touch?

What would your dream encompass? Would you go back to school to finally be able to use your God given gifts? Would you travel to places that are pictures on a page? And would you have the health to really enjoy the trip?

With the beginning of a new year we all have the opportunity to close our eyes and dream. Then seek out the answers that will make those dreams come true. Don't let your dreams become a faded picture in your heart.

When I was twenty one years old I heard a man say, " If you only do what you have always done you will only have what you already have." That changed my life. I encourage you to check out the link about paying your house off early. Then let me show you how. Come dream with me.